Many people have asked me to start a travel blog and what a better time to start than while I am, indeed traveling.
But, before I continue I must get a few things out there.
First of all, I'm not a writer and there are mistakes to be had. Most if these will be written upon my trusty SPOTW, (Smart phone of the week) and any typos that happen to come about are the product of my high school english education and fat finger syndrome. Also, I won't proofread. This will be stream of consciousness. Not so live and direct from my brain through my, aforementioned, fat fingers directly to my blog. Spell check was invented for other, more sophisticated, people.
Second. I am not a professional of any sort that would be applicable to anything I am doing. My photography skills are rudimentary and done with a very expensive prosumer camera or my SMOTW. Any talent that you may see is dumb luck and trial and error as I teach myself or make this all up on the fly.
Third. I love to travel. According to Swarm, I have been to 39 countries and plan to see more. Just this year alone, I've been to the UAE, France, Spain, The Azores and Italy. At this moment, I'm literally 70 feet above the surface of the ocean upon a cruise ship.
If you like to hear about the planning and execution of traveling by just some dude, continue.